Our Boards

The CLCS Board of Directors is the senior governing authority for the Alameda and Nea Community Learning Centers. It provides Nea and ACLC with a foundation of support and inspiration, guiding leadership, and business and operational expertise to help them achieve their missions and the CLCS vision.

(Agendas, Minutes, and Documentation)

CLCS Governance & Policies

CLCS is governed by the CLCS Board of Directors which is composed of community, business, and educational leaders, as well as facilitators, parents, and learners from both schools.

In addition, ACLC and Nea Schools each have a board composed of facilitators, parents, and learners from the school community.

The CLCS Board of Directors oversees the work of the ACLC and Nea Boards and of the school communities.

View All Board Calendars

ACLC and Nea Boards

The ACLC and Nea Boards are responsible for a variety of policy-making and governance functions delegated to them by, and subject to the approval of, the CLCS Board. These include:

Graduation Standards
Academic Program Planning
Budget Proposals
Day-to-Day Facilities Issues